10 people foods that can be toxic for dogs
There isn’t a one size fits all to the foods your pet might pick up and ingest. Depending on weight, size, and sensitivity, certain foods can impact you and your pet. While some can cause upset tummy and diarrhea, others are extremely toxic and could be fatal if ingested.
Here is a list of 10 foods that should not be fed to your dog.
Chocolate and cocoa products are toxic for dogs. The toxic component of chocolate is theobromine. Dark chocolate contains around six times the amount than milk chocolate and cocoa powder contains even more theobromine. Definitely keep chocolate out of reach. In our “WUFFLE” treat recipe we replace cocoa powder with carob powder. Carob is a non toxic alternative and makes for a great treat.
Dogs should not eat raisins or grapes in any amount. Toxicity is well documented in dogs. Red or green, seed or seedless, organic or conventional. All grapes and raisins, even in small amounts, are toxic to your dog.
In general, apples are harmless to dogs but…the seeds contain a form of cyanide, which is poisonous to all so…if you’re going to give your dog a few pieces for a snack be sure to core the apple.
Is a fruit and commonly thought to be toxic to dogs. It isn’t. The leaves, skin, and pit however should not be eaten by us or our dogs.
Approximately 100 species of mushrooms can cause a negative reaction if ingested, but it’s challenging to know whether it’s safe or poisonous. Pets have been known to eat mushrooms in yards and while on walks. While many have little or no toxicity, the 1% that are highly toxic can cause life-threatening problems in pets. To be safe, it is recommended to clear them from your yard and not feed mushrooms in their diet.
Ingestion of macadamia nuts by dogs has been associated with a nonfatal syndrome characterized by vomiting, ataxia, weakness, hyperthermia, and depression. Dogs are the only species in which signs have been reported.
A chip here, a french fry there, a cracker isn’t going to send you and your pup to the vet but an abundance of salty snacks will probably end up in tummy aches and potty problems. Our beloved pets are much smaller than us and a little goes a long way. Dogs only need a tiny amount of salt for their bodily functions. They are not always able to excrete sodium as efficiently as humans do. Here is a great all-natural chew for your pet to enjoy during movie night Himalayan Dog Chews. Not only are they yummy, they are also great for removing plaque and promoting oral health.
Dogs have a greater sensitivity to caffeine than people do. While 1-2 laps of tea, soda, or coffee will not have enough caffeine to cause poisoning in most pets, the ingestion of moderate amounts of coffee grounds or tea bags can easily cause death in small pets.
Beer has the lowest amount of alcohol compared to wine or liquor. I know some of us might have had our dogs have a few licks here and there without side effects. But…the little ones really cannot tolerate any amounts of alcohol.
They are poisonous to our furry friends. Small amounts if ingested should be okay, depending on size. Just be careful for our grazing companion while cooking.
We love our pets and we do our best to give them the love, fun, and nutrition they deserve. Feeding your pet a whole food diet is wonderful. At times it may seem confusing what to feed, what not to feed or what can be toxic. This is a great little tip sheet to get you started on your way to cooking for your dog. Next, we will give you a tip sheet of 10 people foods that you can feed your dog.
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